About Us
Infront is listed on several government panels. Access the appropriate panel and marketplace below.
Digital Marketplace
The DTA Digital Marketplace is a portal used to make buying and selling with government easy.
Infront is listed as a preferred supplier on the Digital Marketplace and further strengthens our reputation as a trusted provider for government agencies. Infront is approved for the Support and Operations, ICT Systems Integration, Software Engineering and Development, and the Strategy and Policy categories.
Cloud Marketplace
The DTA Cloud Marketplace enables government agencies who are looking to source cloud solutions to connect with leading cloud-capable providers to government.
Infront has been at the forefront of cloud technologies and is listed within the Cloud Consulting and Cloud Services categories within the Cloud Marketplace.
Software Marketplace
The DTA Software Marketplace provides government agencies looking to source software products and services the means to easily purchase.
Infront’s categories on the Software Marketplace include Data Protection and Disaster Recovery, Infrastructure Management, Identity Management, Digital Workplace, Network Management, Productivity Improvement and IT Service Management.
Hardware Marketplace
The DTA Hardware Marketplace allows government buyers to purchase a range of computer hardware products and services.
Infront is deeply rooted in the successful provision of computer hardware products and continues to supply enterprise grade hardware for clients. Infront is listed in the following categories on the Hardware Marketplace, including Common Services, End User Computing, Enterprise Computing and Storage.

ComCare Computer Servers
The ComCare Computer Services is an Infront-led panel to provide server and storage solutions to ComCare.

Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
Infront has a panel arrangement for the provision of ICT Professional Services for the Treasury portfolio under the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).